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Brand Blue Fizz

Brand Blue Fizz


60ml Twenty

30ml Double Cream

20ml Vanilla Sugar Syrup

20ml Egg White

15ml Lemon Juice

15ml Lime Juice

10ml Blue Curacao

Soda water


  • 1

    Pour all the ingredients except the soda water into a shaker tin.

  • 2

    Seal and shake for 15 seconds without any ice.

  • 3

    Open the shaker and add cubed ice and shake again for 1-2 minutes.

  • 4

    The longer shake is important to cool the drink as it is served without ice.

  • 5

    It also gives you a great looking foam.

  • 6

    Pour a little soda water into an empty Collins Glass, about 10-15ml.

  • 7

    Strain the drink into the Collins Glass and leave to sit for 20-30 seconds, top up with Soda Water, allowing the foam head to rise up and sit above the rim of the glass.

  • 8

    Garnish with a recycleable/re-useable straw.

  • 9

    The foam head should be strong enough to hold the straw straight without it resting on the rim of the glass.


Jigger or measure

Martini/Coupette Glass

Shaker Tin

Hawthorne Strainer

Double Strainer/Sieve (if using)


This is a very slight twist on the legendary Ramos Gin Fizz, the main difference is dropping the Orange Blossom water (because I think it’s disgusting) and replacing it with Curacao, specifically Blue Curacao as the end drink has a blue hue that isn’t dissimilar to the Blue used in Twenty’s branding.  The other major difference is that we don’t suggest you shake this drink for 11-12 minutes as called for in the original Ramos Gin Fizz recipe, though feel free to try. 



Unless you happen to own a paint mixing machine, there isn’t much you can do in terms of lightening the load when it come to putting together this Cocktail, the only consolation I can offer is that when this drink is made right, you’ll appreciate the effort! 


60ml Twenty

30ml Double Cream

20ml Vanilla Sugar Syrup

20ml Egg White

15ml Lemon Juice

15ml Lime Juice

10ml Blue Curacao

Soda water


  • 1

    Pour all the ingredients except the soda water into a shaker tin.

  • 2

    Seal and shake for 15 seconds without any ice.

  • 3

    Open the shaker and add cubed ice and shake again for 1-2 minutes.

  • 4

    The longer shake is important to cool the drink as it is served without ice.

  • 5

    It also gives you a great looking foam.

  • 6

    Pour a little soda water into an empty Collins Glass, about 10-15ml.

  • 7

    Strain the drink into the Collins Glass and leave to sit for 20-30 seconds, top up with Soda Water, allowing the foam head to rise up and sit above the rim of the glass.

  • 8

    Garnish with a recycleable/re-useable straw.

  • 9

    The foam head should be strong enough to hold the straw straight without it resting on the rim of the glass.


Jigger or measure

Martini/Coupette Glass

Shaker Tin

Hawthorne Strainer

Double Strainer/Sieve (if using)


This is a very slight twist on the legendary Ramos Gin Fizz, the main difference is dropping the Orange Blossom water (because I think it’s disgusting) and replacing it with Curacao, specifically Blue Curacao as the end drink has a blue hue that isn’t dissimilar to the Blue used in Twenty’s branding.  The other major difference is that we don’t suggest you shake this drink for 11-12 minutes as called for in the original Ramos Gin Fizz recipe, though feel free to try. 



Unless you happen to own a paint mixing machine, there isn’t much you can do in terms of lightening the load when it come to putting together this Cocktail, the only consolation I can offer is that when this drink is made right, you’ll appreciate the effort! 



If you love your gadgets then you can go to town, but you absolutely do not have to. You can make great cocktails with not much more than a glass and a chopstick if you choose but a few key tools for your kitchen will help you along the way. Here are the things we have at home for our cocktail adventures:


The bigger the surface area to volume ratio the less your ice will water down the flavour of your drink. Think bigger is better. There are lots of ice trays and moulds out there that give you all kinds of shapes and sizes. Any old ice will do though to keep it cool!


This could be an heirloom from your great grandmother or any old mixing jug in the kitchen. Something to stir things up in.


Know what you are drinking. A 25ml unit of Twenty is half a unit of alcohol. Measuring is great, it puts you in control and it means you can make consistent, great tasting drinks.


One for every type of citrus fruit or a fork and a strong fist. Get out all that lovely juice and mix up some magic.


You will want to strain out the chunky bits that can get stuck in your teeth. There are lots of great strainers to choose from, but a sieve in your kitchen will do just fine.


You can make this with sugar and water and a hob, or you can pick some up at the shops. Either way, we recommend you have some to hand, it is key to a whole load of great drinks.


Add that bit of flourish and the zing of some citrus zest. Your potato peeler or a good sharp knife will work a treat.


We love bitters. There are so many out there to choose from or you can get really creative and make your own. Go for it and experiment to find the ones that you love to mix with Twenty.